Indigenous Memories is a United States tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization registered under EIN: 84-4933208. Our mission is to bring attention to the lives of numerous Indigenous, Maroon, Slave, and Free People of Color who occupied land along the Historic Indian Trading Path in Orange County, North Carolina. We maintain sacred burial spaces where these individuals and their descendants are interred. Sacred burial spaces include several likely ancient Indigenous burial mounds, disrupted burial mounds, a Maroon cemetery where Indigenous and Free People of Color are buried in the same space, and the Hardscrabble Slave Cemetery.
We offer historical hikes and storytelling to increase understanding of hardships Free People of Color faced daily during the 18th and 19th centuries. Hikes include a visit our Indigenous mounds, our Maroon cemetery, and our historical timeline fence. Following a hike, attendees listen to stories and observe visual aids describing the lives of descendants of the Saponi Nation. Attendees learn the following: (1) the history of Maroon communities and how they operated; (2) how the system of apprenticeship dismantled Families of Color; (3) how, despite laws enacted to remove them from Virginia and North Carolina, Free People of Color managed to remain on their land while engaging in Freedom Work-assisting slaves. Participants will leave with knowledge of a group of people who have been ignored in the annals of history, and how their contributions to society allow all to live in relative peace and freedom today.
Indigenous Memories is working in collaboration with the North Carolina Environmental Justice Network.
Yolanda Scarlett
Beverly Scarlett
Jacqueline Scarlett
Teresa Whitted Moore
Maureen Scarlette
Gayzelle Chavis
Preserve and maintain Indigenous ceremonial & burial mounds
Preserve and maintain Black cemeteries
Assist in identifying Indigenous mounds
Assist in identifying Black cemeteries
Assist in documenting Indigenous mounds and Black cemeteries and reporting to the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
Provide education and consultation for identifying Indigenous mounds and Black cemeteries
Host educational hikes to Indigenous mounds and Maroon (triracial) burial spaces located near the Historic Indian Trading Path
Share the history of Maroon people living in the area of the Historic Indian Trading Path and their struggle to avoid slavery and assist in freeing slaves
Share the little known history of intersections of Stagville, Hardscrabble, and Whitted work camps.
Dr. Freddie Parker
Dr. Arwin Smallwood
Dr. Charles Johnson
Dr. Carter Clinton
Dr. Nashani Frazier
Annie Newton
Director of Operations
Peter Woods -Lead Sawyer
Bill Boyarski - Guide & Lead Sawyer
Indigo Roper-Edwards-Sawyer
Reema Garabadu-Sawyer
Gene Casale-Sawyer
Dale Healy-Cemetery Clean-up
John McCulloch-Sawyer
Steve Sherman-Sawyer
Terry Hammond-Cemetery Clean-up
Tom Duckworth-General Volunteer
BJ Boyarski-General Volunteer
David Chavis-Cemetery Clean-up
Lucas Brown-General Volunteer
Chris Ross-General Volunteer
Seletha Pherribo-General Volunteer
Natalie Wallace-General Volunteer
Jessie Gladdek
Wendi Gale